
Have You Optimized Your Business Processes?

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Business consulting services that help companies improve their business processes in order to better manage their corporate knowledge. Or just Sign Up.

Our SmartProcess® service enables you to capture your corporate knowledge as a suite of  business processes. 

Our SmartProcess® service includes a questionnaire that captures information about your business processes and your critical corporate knowledge. We then recommend improvements to your business processes to ensure your corporate knowledge is captured and retained effectively. 

All members of your team can complete the questionnaire within 30 minutes then you will receive recommendations to improve or correct your business processes and knowledge infrastructure. Administering this self-service questionnaire periodically is like measuring a patient’s vital signs. It enables you to monitor and control the health of your knowledge infrastructure then take proactive corrective actions before a negative trend degrades into a show stopping issue.

You can also create your own questionnaires or edit an existing questionnaire to better match the specific characteristics of your organization’s unique knowledge infrastructure.

Our SmartProcess® service is one of a suite of self-service questionnaires and related services available on the 6SigmaPM® website.

Contact us now for more information about the patented 6SigmaPM® project health check service.